Sunday, July 29, 2012

This Labor Day, Let's Labor For Change

Thank you,  for the heads up about this fantastic event (don't you just love Facebook updates from them? I know I do!)

From the website, a call for action!

"We need women, men and children to come stand in support of evidence based maternity care for everyone on September 3, 2012. The Rally will be held in locations all over the country--find your state/city here!!"

The National Rally for Change is to encourage and insist that all maternal healthcare providers practice evidence based care--so what exactly does that mean? It means, simply, that we expect our doctors, our obstetricians, our midwives and all other medical personal to apply the best available evidence gained from the scientific method to clinical decision making, assessing the strength of the evidence of risks and benefits of treatments (including lack of treatment) and diagnostic tests. This helps clinicians understand whether or not a treatment will do more good than harm. Sounds like a logical desire on our part, right? The problem is, on average it takes 20 years for proven research to become practice.
For the sake of mothers and babies everywhere, we can’t wait 20 years.

This matters for all people. Maternal health care affects not only mothers, and their unborn children, but their already-born children, their partners, their whole families. It affects our communities, by killing women before their time, by maiming others. It affects our whole national psyche.

"A nation's greatness is measured by how it treats its weakest members." ~ Mahatma Ghandi

I will be the last to say that women are the weakest members of society. We are strong. We expect humane treatment, for ourselves and for our families. We know how to right a wrong. But too many women’s voices are being lost.

Too many women are being pressured, bullied, uninformed, and paying too, too great a price.

This is not a protest, but a public outreach.

I will be standing for the rights of women, with my daughter, in Phoenix on September 3rd 2012.

Where will you be?

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